UNESCO Events at the 3rd African Media Convention
09 May 2024
On the margins of the 3rd African Media Convention (AMC) to take place in Accra, UNESCO will host two events with a focus on promoting Disability Equality in the African media.
The Workshop on Disability Equality in the Media: Exploring New Audiences, Customers and Users is for top managers, senior editors, and other executives working in the African broadcast and media industry to gain insights on the preferences of audiences, customers, and users with disabilities. It will cover the importance of recognizing persons with disabilities as valuable sources of information and the benefits of adopting inclusive editorial and workplace policies and practices with the aim to identify working modalities for promoting disability equality in the African media.

The Side Event on Disability Representation, Accessibility, and Inclusive Management in African Media is designed for participants from the African broadcasting and media industry attending the 3rd AMC. Here UNESCO will present its Practical Manual and Master Class on Disability Equality for Persons with Disabilities in the Media.

These two events will be attended by managers, editors, and executives of media organisations from Ghana, Ethiopia, Côte d'Ivoire, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Zambia, South Africa, and other African countries. Visit the 3rd AMC website for more information: https://www.3rdafricanmediaconvention.com/
Download the Media Advisory for more information.