Press Release

United Nations in Ghana reaffirms strong partnership with and support for the Government and people of Ghana

28 April 2023

United Nations in Ghana and the Government of Ghana have signed a new United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) 2023-2025, outlining the UN development system’s integrated contributions towards achieving Ghana’s vision for its development as well as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Agenda 2063 in Ghana.

The Cooperation Framework signals a UN that is supporting Ghana on its WISER (Wealthy, Inclusive, Sustainable, Empowered, and Resilient) journey towards self-reliance.

The Minister of State, Ministry of Finance, Dr. Mohammed Amin Adam (MP) signed for the Minister of Finance, Hon. Kenneth Ofori-Atta, on behalf of the Government of Ghana, while the UN Resident Coordinator for Ghana, Mr. Charles Abani signed for the United Nations at a ceremony hosted by the Ministry of Finance and attended by UN Heads of Agencies.

In his remarks, read on his behalf by Dr. Adam, the Minister of Finance Hon. Ofori Atta said "the signing of this Cooperation Framework... reaffirms a continuation of our strategic partnership with the UN which clearly aligns with Government's development agenda and contributes to the achievements of global and regional commitments under the 2030 and 2063 Agendas". 

The UN Resident Coordinator, Mr. Abani thanked the Government, partners, and key stakeholders for their contribution to the development of the Cooperation Framework which he said demonstrates the UN’s commitment to stand with Ghana on its forward-looking ambition to accelerate the achievement of the SDGs and Agenda 2063. With some 21 agencies working in Ghana, the UN family will leverage its technical expertise and financial resources to address systemic barriers, empower institutions and actors through joint programming, as well as promote strong and innovative partnerships to support Ghana attain its development priorities.

“With this new Cooperation Framework, the UN in Ghana makes a firm commitment to support Ghana achieve its ambition of self-reliant. The UN in Ghana stands in solidarity with Ghana as the country strives to recover from the massive impact of COVID-19 pandemic, the triple planetary crisis (pollution, climate change and biodiversity loss) and the impact of global crises (including the war in Ukraine that triggered a global tri-dimensional threat to food, energy and finance, among other factors.” says the UN Resident Coordinator, Charles Abani.

The Cooperation Framework, with a funding envelope of US$500 million over the three-year period has three pillars – i) inclusive economic transformation, ii) equitable access to social services and, iii) durable peace and security, with cross-cutting focus on and commitment to leaving no one behind, to fundamental and a human rights-based approach, to Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment, to building resilience and sustainability, and to strengthening accountability as well as supporting Ghana on critical issues such as climate transformation, digitalization and urbanization.

A UN-Government Joint Steering Committee, co-chaired by the Minister for Finance and the UN Resident Coordinator will coordinate the implementation of the Cooperation Framework to ensure national ownership and accountability to Ghana.  The Committee will monitor progress, challenges and opportunities and review the results achieved on an annual basis, make recommendations and strategic adjustments to accelerate the achievement of the targets set forth in the Cooperation Framework.

UN entities involved in this initiative

International Fund for Agricultural Development
International Labour Organization
International Maritime Organization
International Organization for Migration
United Nations Resident Coordinator Office
United Nations Human Settlements Programme
Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS
United Nations Capital Development Fund
United Nations Development Programme
United Nations Environment Programme
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
United Nations Population Fund
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
United Nations Information Centre
United Nations Children’s Fund
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
United Nations Office for Project Services
World Food Programme

Goals we are supporting through this initiative