United Nations Launches Mission 1.5 Video Game to Curb Climate Change
17 February 2020
The United Nations has launched an internet and mobile based video game that seeks to collect the views of players on Climate Change policies in their countries and across the world.
The video game, Mission 1.5, is a campaign in which players take on the role of climate policymakers and make decisions to try to keep global warming below 1.5 degrees Celsius.
Led by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the campaign aims to give 20 million people around the world the opportunity to have their say on ways to limit climate change that they want to see adopted by government leaders.
After the game, players are asked to vote on key climate actions they want to see adopted. This data will be analyzed and delivered to governments, who often lack access to reliable information on public opinion on climate action.
Achim Steiner, UNDP Administrator, said: "Together with partners from across the private and public sectors, we have the ability with this campaign to connect millions of people with their governments in an innovative two-way discussion on solutions to the climate crisis, and increase ambition ahead of the COP26 climate talks in Glasgow later this year.”
In Ghana, as part of efforts to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions UNDP is currently partnering with Government of Ghana under the National Clean Energy Access Programme (NCEP). The programme aims to operationalize collaborative approaches under Article 6.2 of the Paris Agreement.
UNDP is also working with Government to build the capacities of the private sector to develop low carbon bankable projects and increase private sector investment potentials for Ghana's Nationally Determined Contributions targets in the energy sector.
Gita Welch, acting UNDP Ghana Resident Representative said, “Mission 1.5 is a very significant addition to the climate fight, especially in this decade of action. It has the unique potential to empower citizens to complement the work that UN, the government of Ghana and other stakeholders are already doing to combat climate change “.
The Mission 1.5 game is available at https://mission1point5.org/ and can be played by people in every country in the world.