The UN Resident Coordinator
UN Country Team
Ladies and gentlemen
It is my pleasure to be part of this all-important annual Joint Steering Committee on the current Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF 2023-2025). I am delight to join you here as the new Acting Director of the External Resource Mobilization and Economic Relations, and I bring you greetings from the Hon. Minister of Finance and the entire Management of the Ministry. I also want to thank the UN and to say “Ayekoo” for your cooperation and continued dedication to make it possible for us to achieve the results that will be shared today, amid all the challenges.
Distinguished guests, at the Ministry of Finance, we recognise that the UN System’s support is catalytic and our partnership signifies the collective commitment towards achieving Ghana’s inclusive development agenda, the SDGs and the Agenda 2063.
A year down the lane we are here to share in the first results from successful implementation of the Cooperation Framework. Our meeting today also presents us with an opportunity to reflect on collective achievements in 2023, take stock of what we did right, what needs to be improved and how to strengthen our strategy as we focus on the final year of its implementation.
Ladies and gentlemen, I am aware our relationship with the UN over the years has enjoyed a partnership that ensured continuity of joint efforts. It is for this reason that we cannot lose sight of the important role mutual partnerships play in the implementation of our collective development efforts. However, and unfortunately, several programmes have been and continue to be implemented without the tenets of transparency and mutual information sharing. It is my conviction that our relationship should be hinged on mutual information sharing to build both trust and ensures efficient implementation of agreed programmes.
Colleagues, the Ministry has set up the UN System and Foundations Unit to serve as an interlocutor for coordinating all UN Agencies' requests, however, this process has not been effective and efficient. I am aware Agencies are involved in engagements and programmes without their involvement.
To address these challenges and foster better collaboration, I encourage a more open and inclusive engagement with the Unit, moving forward. Let us ensure that our renewed framework not only meets the developmental needs of Ghana but also embodies the spirit of co-ownership and inclusivity, essential for sustainable progress.
In conclusion, I would like to thank our UN teams for their support and contributions towards the results of 2023 in particular. I want to extend my gratitude to Mr. Charles Abani, the UN Resident Coordinator and the Heads of Agencies for their contributions in leading policy support, technical expertise, and resource mobilization to advance national development priorities.
Thank You. God bless!!