Ghana: National Coordination Mechanism Launched to Strengthen Migration Governance
28 November 2023

Accra — On 28 November 2023, the Government of Ghana launched the National Coordination Mechanism (NCM) on Migration, supported by the UN Network on Migration and funded by the European Union. This mechanism is a key step in the institutional set-up needed to strengthen the coordination and coherence of the government’s work on migration. The NCM lays the foundation for the establishment of a migration commission as provided for under Ghana’s National Migration Policy.
Speaking at the launch, Ghana’s Minister for the Interior Hon. Ambrose Dery said: “The National Coordination Mechanism in Ghana is expected to play a key role in implementing the [Global Compact for Migration], among other responsibilities. This mechanism will be the primary coordination platform for government on all things related to migration, whether it is implementing the National Migration Policy, enhancing our migration data system, identifying our short-term priorities, or informing our partners on where the gaps are pronounced. I would like to thank all concerned parties who have worked on this tirelessly.”
Two key activities of the NCM will be the development of a national GCM implementation plan and a national migration knowledge management system. In preparation, Ghana carried out a mapping of stakeholders, a needs assessment and a series of consultations. These activities were informed by a step-by-step guidance produced by the UN Network on Migration — established the United Nations to ensure effective, timely and coordinated system-wide support to Member States in implementing, following-up and reviewing the GCM.
“The UN Network on Migration in Ghana reaffirms its support to the Government of Ghana in the implementation of the GCM. The establishment of the mechanism and the development of the implementation plan is a demonstration of this support,” said the UN Resident Coordinator in Ghana, Charles Abani.
The NCM brings together relevant government agencies from various sectors and levels of governance to implement the National Migration Policy and the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM) with a whole-of-government approach. These agencies cover priority areas such as labour mobility, diaspora engagement, remittances, migration data and research, human rights of migrants, trafficking in persons, irregular migration, assistance to and protection of migrants, return and reintegration, and climate-induced mobility, and others.
Recognizing the importance of migration for Ghana’s development, the government has recorded considerable progress in making migration more orderly and regular. The NCM is the latest step in this endeavor and will be instrumental in creating meaningful engagement and cooperation on migration by avoiding duplication of efforts.
EU Ambassador in Ghana, Irchad Razaaly, said: “Migration can only be managed jointly through partnership by all stakeholders. Whether it is addressing irregular migration, smuggling, challenges around return and reintegration, or paving the way for safe legal pathways, a concerted effort is required. I am very glad that, on this basis, and with EU support, we are launching the National Coordination Mechanism on Migration today to build a strong, tailor-made coordination platform for government.”
This launch is part of the third Cross-Regional Dialogue of Champion Countries of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM) taking place from 28-30 November 2023 in Accra.
This work is supported by funding from the European Union under the Building Migration Partnerships Programme implemented by the International Organization for Migration, as Coordinator and Secretariat of the UN Network on Migration. Since its launch in February 2023 the programme has contributed to streghten the UN Network on Migration, the evidence base on migration through a comprehsnive needs assement and a mapping of migration governance stakehdolers.
For more information, please contact Juliane Reissig at