“Strike a balance between freedom of expression and combating hate speech”- Media, hate speech, and democratic consolidation discussed in Ghana public forum
15 June 2023
Caption: The UN Resident Coordinator in Ghana, Mr. Charles Abani addressing the audience.
Hate speech is universal. Unfounded accusations, insulting and abusive remarks, and hateful statements cause unrest.
While there is a need for freedom of speech and allowing all voices to be heard, there is also greater need to prevent the misuse of this right; the media plays a crucial role in striking this balance, shaping public opinions and ultimately, the success of democratic consolidation.
It is against this backdrop that the Media Foundation for West Africa (MFWA) in partnership with the National Media Commission (NMC), the National Peace Council (NPC) and the National House of Chiefs, held a public forum in Accra on the theme Media, Hate Speech and Democratic Governance in Ghana. The forum highlighted the need for journalists to report objectively and ethically and avoid sensationalism and misinformation. It also emphasized the importance of media literacy and civic education in promoting democracy and human rights.
In a keynote statement, the UN Resident Coordinator in Ghana, Mr. Charles Abani said, “to consolidate democracy, it is crucial to strike a balance between freedom of expression and combating hate speech”. He added that the key to finding answers to conflict situations and global problems is to encourage generative discourse.
The Deputy Minister of Information, Hon. Fatima Abubakar said, “hate speech is a threat to democracy and the media”. She emphasized the benefit of having various media outlets in the country and the need to understand and make use of the full range of legal protections for freedom of speech and expression.
Caption: The Deputy Minister of Information, Hon. Fatima Abubakar addressing the audience.
The Chairman of the National Peace Council, Rev. Dr. Ernest Adu Gyamfi, said “Ghana must continue to accept multi-ethnic coexistence and variety of opinions, avoid negative communication, and capitalize on the positive aspects of our diversity for improved growth and development in all areas of the country.”
Representing the traditional council, Nene Sakite II, President of the Eastern Regional House of Chiefs said, online hate speech can be produced and shared easily. To counter hate speech, he asserted that the United Nations' core ideals of respect for all people and the maintenance of freedom of expression, must be upheld by leaders from all walks of life, including politicians and the general public.
A panel discussion that centered on the theme called for concerted efforts by all stakeholders to promote inclusivity, media freedom and responsible reporting towards advancing democratic consolidation in Ghana.
Present were governance and media experts, members of the diplomatic corps, legal experts, CSOs, public/state institutions, political parties, journalists, students, and human rights experts.